Analysts indicated, after reviewing the images of Maxar Technologies, that this new ship will include an unlike any fleet in China, which may indicate a major shift in marine energy balance.
According to the report, China is currently running three airlines, with the latest addition is Fujian, which is type 003 Supercarrier. Fujian has three electromagnetic platforms designed to launch aircraft, but analysts believe that new images from Dalian indicate that China transmits its transmission capabilities to the next level.
Michael Dutsman, a researcher at the James Martin Center for Non -Proliferation Studies, told NBC News that satellite images indicate that China is preparing for the fourth -generation transmission, most likely of the type 004, four points instead of the usual three.
The introduction of four China platforms will allow the launch of more aircraft simultaneously, which corresponds to the ability of the largest American transport companies, such as USS Gerald R. Ford.
To accommodate this increasing number of catapults, the ship will need to be much larger than the fujian, which requires a nuclear energy -powered reactor to push it to match the size and capabilities of the US highly American carriers, and referred to the NBC news report.