Syrian Shahrachnshani; Celebration of fire in Iran

A week before Nowruz, the Iranian new year, family members, and friends gather through open fires and maintain lighting until dawn.

The annual festival dates back to 2500 years and has its roots in pre -Islamic Persia.

The ancient Iranians, Chahrashrani Siri, put in an attempt to ward off all bad calamities and hope in the hope that their desires will be fulfilled.

Street Festival is a symbol of good health, agriculture, light and purity for the Iranians

Literally means “Wednesday’s celebration”, at Chaharshanbeh-Suri, its roots in the traditions of ancient Persia.

“Fire” is the distinctive element of Syrian Chehrchans, and the practice mainly includes the creation of fires in the streets and jumping over it.

In ancient Persia, fire was considered as a sacred element, and it is a belief that the Zoroastrians are still committing to it.

The fire was supposed to give people warmth and energy and take away their grass, illness and problems in return.

Syrian Shahrachnshani; Celebration of fire in Iran

Many different traditions are followed on this night in different cities of Iran.

The fire is jumped and a special mixture of sweet and sour nuts is purchased in almost every city in Iran.

It is believed that eating these nuts on this occasion makes your desires come true.

Due to the increasing progress in modern life, the celebration over the years was turning or deformation of jumping over the fire to a night of departure.

Traditions face difficulty survival between all luster, sparkle, dust and pollution of modern life.

Syrian Shahrachnshani; Celebration of fire in Iran

You have a better chance to arrest the locals in the streets, singing traditional songs, and monitor centuries -old habits in the smaller cities, rural areas, where the air is clean, the sky is clear, and it seems that the time is moving until slower, even sometimes it still exists.

Three thousand years later, Cherarshansa is still a distinctive as part of the rituals that ring in the new Persian year. It is believed that the old tradition of three years is eliminated by the darkness of winter and welcomes the vibration of spring.

However, the traditional festival can also be dangerous. Every year, the authorities make public awareness campaigns on fireworks risk.

About 26 people were killed and more than 4,360 people were injured in Iran during the end of the year festival.

I mentioned before Thickening Mahmoudbour

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