South Africa is open to bids for the nuclear project from Russia or Iran

South Africa, which runs the only nuclear power plant in Africa, Koeberg, plans to add 2500 megawatts of the new ability to process the electricity cuts that was afflicted with the economy and reduce emissions.

“We cannot have a contract says Reuters,” said Jawidi Mantash, Minister of Mineral Resources and Petroleum Resources.

“If they are the best in terms of display on the table, we will take any (country),” he told Reuters.

The country is scrutinized from Washington after President Donald Trump issued a long -term executive order that stops helping. Among other criticisms, it claimed – without making evidence – that South Africa “stimulates its relations with Iran to develop commercial, military and nuclear arrangements.”

South African President Cyril Ramavusa’s office said that Pretoria has no bilateral cooperation with Iran on nuclear energy or any nuclear technology.
A Foreign Ministry spokesman U did not comment on the possibility of helping Iran or Russia to expand its civil nuclear capacity.
The South African tender for nuclear projects, which was initially planned for last year, was delayed for more consultations after the legal challenges led by the opposition Democratic Alliance Party at the time, and it is now part of the coalition government.


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