Nuclear technology affects other sciences: AEOI president

Speaking at Sunday, Al -Islami stated that the independence of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its entry into the field of nuclear technology has caused Iran to be under difficult pressure by foreigners over the past two decades.

AEOI president, the vice president, referred to the leader of the special focus of the Islamic revolution and his support for the development of nuclear technology and an explanation, “with the support of the leader of the revolution, Ayatollah Ali Ali Khouni, the efforts of scientists, the efforts of scientists and his efforts. Nuclear is now in energy and non -energy sectors.

In other parts of his statements, Al -Islami explains the programs of the atomic organization in Iran (AEOI) and nuclear technology in the field of radiant agricultural and food products that stressed the need to develop nuclear energy, and produce and export different types of radioactive medications.


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