I stated that EURONEWS said that the delivery follows an announcement issued by the President of Senegal, Bassiro Dewmay Fei, late last year, an order for all foreign forces to leave the country.
The French embassy in Senegal said in a statement on Friday.
“Located near Han Park, these provinces have been ready to return since the summer of 2024.”
Paris established a joint committee with Dakar last month to regulate the withdrawal. The French army recently announced that it rejected 162 Singalians who worked on their military bases in the country.
The new Senegal government has followed a difficult approach to the presence of French forces as part of a greater violent reaction against many who see it as the legacy of the repressive colonial regime.
France faced opposition from some African leaders about what they described as an insulting and heavy approach to the continent.
Paris has suffered from multiple setbacks in recent years in its military presence on the continent, especially in the West. Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso are among the countries that recently expelled the French forces.
France says it plans to reduce its existence sharply in all its bases in Africa – including 350 soldiers in Senegal – with the exception of Djibouti. It may instead provide defensive training or targeted military support, based on the needs of each country separately.