Azerbaijani rituals, traditions in Ramadan

Ramadan, which was also clarified in the name of Ramadan or Ramadan, is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, where Muslims perpetuate themselves for religious study and charitable giving.

Ramadan teaches people how to love God, to test their will and patience, which makes people be smart and honest and celebrate it in the form of fasting.

During this holy month, Muslims rush, which means that they avoid eating and drinking, including water, between morning and evening rays (at the time of calling for prayer).

The ultimate goal of fasting is gaining greater awareness of God, known in Arabic as Taqwa, which indicates a state of continuous awareness of God. From this awareness, a person must gain discipline, self -definition and greater motivation to do good and avoid error.

Fasting has other personal and social benefits. Through fasting, the wealthy knows what it means to be hungry. Thus, the wealthy will be more inclined to give charity when they fast. Annual Islamic alms (Zakat) is usually paid in Ramadan.

Although Ramadan is the ninth month of the evaluation of Islam, the Azerbaijani Muslims begin to celebrate the Ramadan in the midst of two young men, the Islamic month that precedes Ramadan.

The rituals of Ramadan and respect for the Holy Month show that although Azerbaijan was under communist rule for 70 years, religious identity and tolerance with Azerbaijani have never changed.

Azerbaijani rituals, traditions in Ramadan

At the beginning of Ramadan, the people of Azerbaijan welcomes Ramadan through the dust and cleaning of mosques. It also maintains folkloric celebrations and begins to decorate the streets, while families exchange congratulations.

Ramadan food

Muslims often invite friends and family members to join the celebration of luxury meal (breakfast). Ghannels organize dinner meals for the poor, and the Azerbaijanis are keen to exchange gifts with neighbors and provide food for the poor and needy during Ramadan as well. Azerbaijani families are famous for their generosity because they are always an additional descent of Iftar if unexpected guests are received.

There are many types of common foods that people eat for breakfast, including Haleem and Ash, but the culture of Azerbaijani offers some special dishes for Ramadan meals.

Each area of ​​Azerbaijan is characterized by its dishes, which mainly use local and local products, and this feature is also reflected in Ramadan as well.

One of the most popular Ramadan foods is Dolum. It consists of a chopped lamb mixed with rice and flavor with mint, fennel and cinnamon, and wrapped in the leaves of the vine or cabbage leaves. Another common dish is Blaof, which is frequently served in large gatherings in the country. It consists of rice that is served with Lamb (sometimes beef), onions and carrots. It is usually eaten at the end of breakfast. Plov has more than 40 different recipes. Plov dishes have different names depending on the main components associated with rice.

There is also a wide range of kebabs and chills, including sheep kebab, beef, chicken, ducks and fish (Baliq).

The Azers also eat a traditional sweet Ramadan called Chicarbora during the Holy Month.

Azerbaijani rituals, traditions in Ramadan


One of the special traditions of the Azerbaijani people during Ramadan meets promises. If anyone pledges when he was in a crisis, he will fulfill it during the holy month of Ramadan, whether through the increasing prayers, fasting after additional days of Ramadan, or a charity banquet.

Supermarkets in Azerbaijan also created signs of “Ramadan discounts” so that the needy can also buy food.

Quran recitation

The Azerbaijani people during Ramadan maintains the religious celebrations of reciting the Qur’an.

Bachelor’s families gather before breakfast and one of the elderly, who usually know the Arabic language, read some verses of the Qur’an and explain the meanings of the verses in the Azerbaijani language for family members who do not know Arabic.

Azerbaijani rituals, traditions in Ramadan

Night of Fate

On the nights of the Qadir, whom the Holy Qur’an describes, “The angels and Jabriel descend with the permission of their Lord for every relationship.” Muslims of Azerbaijan spend the main part of the night in prayer, limit, and reading the generous.

In Islam, there are many Islamic events that have their own importance. However, at night, the Qadir is also among the most sacred events in Islam. Every year, Muslims in Azerbaijan make special arrangements regarding the event. They are eagerly awaiting that seeing the moon be aware of the date of confirmation at night in Azerbaijan and planning their activities accordingly.

Azerbaijani rituals, traditions in Ramadan

The Azerbaijani people assume that the nineteenth, 21st and 23rd of Ramadan are potential nights of fate or a young man. They meet in mosques on these three nights and pray until the morning. They also keep the celebrations during which a person who religiously learned a speech on this occasion.

Azerbaijani rituals, traditions in Ramadan

Eid al -Fitr

Muslims celebrate the religious vacation by Muslims all over the world because it represents the end of fasting from dawn, which lasted for a month in Ramadan. It is located on the first day of Shawwal, the tenth month in the Islamic calendar.

The Azerbaijani people participate in the assembly prayers, either in a mosque or an open space outside the city and provide charitable to the poor.


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