The Yemeni leader condemns the crimes of Takviris in Syria

“What is happening in Syria reveals the insistence of Takfiri groups to continue their criminal behavior and monsters in killing the most terrifying innocents in the forms of killing and slaughter,” Abdul -Malik Al -Houthi said in an interview with Al -Maswara TV on Sunday.

“Takfiri groups in Syria must keep these crimes with their financial supporters, who support them with money, political support, and military support. The consequences of crimes in Syria are bad on Takefiris and their supporters, because they believe that they have received guarantees from America and Europe, and therefore they liberate all that they want to do.”

“The crimes committed by Takviri groups in Syria are convicted and everyone must condemn them and everyone who notes that ethics must try to stop these crimes. Takfiri groups in Syria fluctuate hundreds of citizens who have been isolated.


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