The voice of the oppressed in the world against the silence of global cinema

Dr. Galla Gavari, Secretary of the International Film Resistance Festival, criticized the silence of the leading international cinema festivals in response to the crimes committed in Gaza. He announced that 500 cinematic works on the issue of resistance have been presented, announced: “The resistance cinema will be the voice of the persecuted worldwide.”

On Saturday, during a meeting with media activists from Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and Armenia, Gavari highlighted the festival’s four decades activity in cinema and resistance, while emphasizing: “This festival was recognized as the only international event that focuses on” supporting the oppressed ” ”

The voice of the oppressed in the world against the silence of global cinema

He added: “Our goal is to become a platform for the cries of persecuted.

“Last year, more than 50,000 women, children and civilians were killed in Gaza, that the silence of the major cinematic festivals in relation to the massacre of innocent civilians in Gaza,” Javari said.

The voice of the oppressed in the world against the silence of global cinema

He also criticized governments that manipulate reality through the cinema, saying: “Some of the powers responsible for crimes against the abuse of humanity to photograph themselves as victims. Through the Film Resistance Festival, we aim to create a space where the oppressed sounds can be heard.”

Ghafari concluded with the hope of humanity -based future, saying: “Certainly, the world of tomorrow will be built on kindness and justice, and I hope we will also be part of this noble human society.”

The voice of the oppressed in the world against the silence of global cinema

Kaliji: Cinema Resistance – A stronghold against global domination

After the discussion, Esrafil Kaliji, Chairman of the International Committee for the Film Resistance Festival, praised the presence of media activists at the National Museum of Iranian Cinema and stressed: “The concept of resistance is one of the highest human values ​​that must be promoted in the film industry.

He continued: “The cinema industry today is dominated by the global domination of the system, but the resistance cinema is determined to break this barrier.”

In his speech, Caligi stressed: “As journalists looking for the truth in the global scene of the global media, you will undoubtedly stand on the right side of history and help spread the message of human resistance around the world.”


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