On the first day of the blessed month of Ramadan, Ayatollah Ali Khameneini, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, received a number of distinguished and international scholars and the persistence of the Holy Qur’an during a gathering entitled “Communication with the Qur’an.” The meeting was held at Imam Khomeini Hosseini, on March 2, 2025, according to the official web of the leader of the leader.
During the meeting, Ayatollah Khalni emphasized the individual and societal need for the therapeutic teachings of the Qur’an. “The community of the Qur’an must behave in a way that makes the spiritual springs of the Book of God flow into hearts and minds, and thus the behavior of all people and their actions.”
After listening for more than two and a half hours to the repeated recitations of the Qur’an, collective recitation and Torashi from Iranian and foreign groups, Ayatollah Hasna congratulated the blessed month of Ramadan, describing it as the great and true wheel for the believers. He praised God because of the continuous rise in the number of swinging in the country, adding that the society’s need for inexhaustible sources from the Qur’an to address various problems is a serious and real necessity.
In explaining the individual needs of the divine book, he stated: “Treating all spiritual and moral diseases of humanity – such as envy, meat, sarcasm, laziness, selfishness, pleasure, and giving priorities for personal interests on the collective good – within the Qur’an.”
The leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that, with regard to internal social relations, we must look at the Qur’an to address social issues, including social justice, which is the second most important issue in Islam after the guidance. [monotheism].
Ayatollah, the Holy Quran, described as clear and accurate evidence in the field of international relations, stressing that the Iranian nation has no problems with other countries. However, he indicated that he is currently facing a wide facade of infidels or arrogant, hypocritical powers. Ayatollah Khounai emphasized that the Holy Qur’an provides instructions on how to deal with these entities in different stages, with reference to how long it continues, when it cooperates, when it responds strongly, and when weapons must be obtained.
He explained that he can help reading and listening to the Qur’an accurately in reducing all human diseases, adding that when the Qur’an recites and hears properly, it enhances the feeling of motives for righteousness and salvation within the individual.
Quoting from a verse from the Noble Qur’an, the leader of the Islamic Revolution explained that the purpose of the Prophet’s recitation of the noble verses includes: purification, which indicates the healing of all spiritual and emotional pains; Teaching the book, which refers to teaching the general framework of individual and social life; And the transfer of wisdom, which involves providing knowledge about the facts of the universe. He also added that the recitation is a prophetic task, and that the infiltrators are mainly the work of the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace).