Alexei Didov is the extraordinary and luxurious ambassador of the Russian Union of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He graduated from the Moscow State Institute for International Relations in 1982 and has been in diplomatic service since then. He worked in various positions in the central agency of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
How can you evaluate the current situation of bilateral trade between Russia and Iran? What are the prospects in the next few years, given that the countries have completely turned into settlements in national currencies?
Trade between Russia and Iran in general shows positive dynamics, but it is too early to talk about its full potential. The Russian -Iranian trade rotation rate is expected to grow by about 15 percent in 2024 compared to 2023 (when it was $ 4.2 billion). We expect that a new driving force will be presented to these operations through the meeting of the Permanent Russian Committee for Commercial and Economic Cooperation scheduled for the coming months, which will be held in Russia this time. We expect further growth in trade in the end of this year.
The establishment of a joint infrastructure for independent payment and the transition to bilateral settlements in national currencies stipulated in Article 20 of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran on January 17, 2025. The two countries almost have already turned into mutual settlements in national currencies using their financial systems. Russia has begun to accept the cards from the Iranian Shitab payment system. Mir cards are expected to be launched in Iran in the foreseeable future. All this will undoubtedly have a positive impact on trade and economic relations between our countries, simplifying commercial operations and expanding the areas of trade cooperation.
In December 2024, Iran has obtained an observer in the European Economic Union (EAEU), and the free trade agreement is expected to enter into force soon. How do you think that this agreement will facilitate Iran’s trade relations with the countries of the Union?
The free trade agreement between Eaeu and Iran was approved by the Iranian Supervisory Council on March 2, 2025. Thanks to this, we can talk about the beginning of its implementation in the very near future. Today’s Eurasian Economic Union is a market of 190 million people with a preferential system for Iran to import goods, simplified customs procedures and simple technical organization. The same applies to the Iranian market for exporters from EAEU countries. This is a very useful story that meets the interests of the population.
How can the comprehensive strategic partnership treaty signed by the presidents of Russia and Iran affect cooperation between countries in the fields of culture, science and education?
Article 34 of the treaty provides for more development of relations in the field of culture and art, as well as the establishment of favorable conditions for the activities of the Russian Cultural Center in Tehran in accordance with the agreement to establish and conditions of cultural centers activities on April 13, 2021. This is the legal institution for complete cultural cooperation between countries. The Rossotrudnichestvo office actively works to find a suitable hypothesis for the center. The main event for the current year should be the wide days of Russian culture in Iran. The events are scheduled to schedule for the month of June.
It is important that the document notice the parties to the development of long -term and constructive relationships in the field of higher education, science and technology. Partnership relations have been established between educational organizations in our countries. Common scientific and technical projects are implemented, and specialized seminars, conferences and exhibitions are implemented.
Thus, the agreement, on the one hand, confirms the current high status of relationships, on the other hand, puts the dynamics of more fruitful cooperation in the cultural, scientific and educational fields.
According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the construction of the second and third energy units of Bushehr NPP is one of the priority areas in Moscow Tiran’s relationships. Are there plans to implement other joint projects, including in the energy sector?
In fact, projects in peaceful nuclear energy, including the construction of the second and third unit of Bushehr NPP, are in the implementation phase. There is cooperation in medical isotopes, and in this way our country supports Iranian friends in developing high -tech medicine, providing access to advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. This raises the level of patient treatment.
I would like to mention the strategic memorandum signed in June 2024 between Russian and Iranian gas companies on working to organize the supply of pipelines for Russian natural gas to Iran. The active work is now underway. Russia is also represented in projects to develop Iranian oil fields.
Among the initiatives in other fields is the northern and southern international transport corridor and the construction of the Rasht-Rashtara Railway Department as part of its western branch.
In 2023, Russia and Iran authorities launched a visa -free tourist exchange between states. Are there plans to expand a visa -free system to other groups of travelers?
Currently, there are regulations on visa -free travel for tourist groups from 5 to 50 people. Detailed plans to expand the categories have not yet been resolved. In total, the mutual tourist flow increased by 13 percent in 2024. There was a noticeable increase in the number of Iranian tourists in Russia (58,000, in addition to 47 percent in relation to the same indicators for 2023). Meanwhile, 5,000 Russian tourists visited Iran. Nearly 30,000 Iranians entered our country as part of the visa -free travel mechanism, and the number of Russian tourists in the opposite direction was 500 people. Electronic visas are also open to the Iranians, with more than 15,000 people visited Russia last year.
How can you evaluate the role of the Brexes in strengthening Russian -Iranian relations?
Brics is an important international platform for cooperation with Iranian partners. The values of this structure, that is, respect for international law, the state’s sovereignty and the interests of each other, is recognized by the unusual right in each state in choosing its development path, as well as solidarity and mutual assistance, by both Moscow and Branan.
Our Iranian friends have repeatedly expressed their interest in cooperating in the innovative and knowledge sectors and their willingness to exchange their experiences in certain areas. We support them completely.
Source: Brex TV