The press service of the European Economic Committee stated that the European Economic Union (EAEU) is still adhering to the principles of consensus, synchronization and integration, which do not affect the digital sovereignty of its members.
The report says: “EAEU continues to adhere to the principles of compatibility, synchronization and integration, which does not affect the digital sovereignty of the member states. This allows us to link the best digital solutions to the country to the possibility of its additional development.” . The report was based on the head of the speech on the EEC BAKYTZAN SAGINTayEV, which was delivered at the Digital 2025 digital forum.
EEC’s Chairman also noted, the committee’s efforts focusing on implementing the concept of the digital union (aimed at integrating digitization operations into the Eurasian Economic Union).
He said: “Today, the integrated information system in Eaeu works, which is the technological basis of the digital union, and its fixed development leads to the formation of a ultrasound infrastructure. This allows five different systems to be in one ecosystem.”
According to EEC’s press service, technological solutions to the integrated information system are currently ensuring a smooth interaction of national digital platforms. As a result, border services can be provided in a reliable and safe environment.
EEC’s chairman also stated that today one can talk about the interaction of G2G, B2G and C2G on a large scale. This is possible due to the launch of a safe data transfer network.
EEC’s press service also noted that there is a large demand for union countries to digitize procedures and other documents, because improving the quality of people’s life is a priority field for digitization in Eaeu.