Commercial exchanges between Iran, 15 neighbors reached 59 billion dollars

Sayed Rohla does not meet that the Iranian commercial exchanges with the 15 neighbors between March 21, 2024 and January 20, 2025 recorded a 19.2 % growth compared to the corresponding period last year.

He added that more than 93 million tons of non -oil commodities, whose value is estimated at more than 59 billion dollars, was exchanged between Iran and its neighbors in the first ten months of the current Iranian evaluation year (began March 21, 2024), to show the growth of 59 and 57.5 percent In weight and value, respectively, compare the same period last year.

During this period, Iran has exported more than 75 million tons of non -oil commodities, which is valued at more than 29 billion dollars, to 15 neighboring states, which shows 24 and 28 percent growth in weight and value, respectively.

Latifi added that Iraq and the United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates) and Turkey imported more than 10 billion dollars, 5 billion dollars, and 961 million dollars of non -oil products from Iran between March 21, 2024 and January 20, 2025, respectively, respectively, he added Latifi.


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