Chinese researchers find a new Coronavian virus of bats

The study showed the need to monitor pathogens to prevent them from spreading, according to Russia Today website, according to Russia Today.

The novel virus is distinguished by the HKU5 Coronavirus virus, which was originally identified in the Japanese Pipistrell Parry in Hong Kong.

The study, which was conducted at the Guangzhou Laboratory, Xi Chengley, and often referred to as “Batwoman” because of her intense work in bats. Zhengli is famous for its work at the Wuhan Institute for Virus, which was in the center of the controversy in relation to Covid-19 origins. While one of the theories presented a laboratory leakage in Wuhan, Shi has constantly denied that the institute was responsible for the outbreak of the disease.

In December of last year, the sub -committee to choose the US Congress on the Koronveros virus was a 520 -page report on the origin of the infection. For two years, the investigation claimed that the Chinese government, along with some experts and international agencies, “sought to cover up the facts related to the origins of the epidemic.”

Beijing rejected the theory of laboratory leakage.

The Coronverus virus was discovered for the first time in the central city of Wuhan in December 2019, where it spread beyond the country’s borders, killing more than seven million people worldwide.


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