A look at the main role of AFZ in stimulating Iran’s economy

ARAS Free Trade – The industrial zone in northwestern Iran is located in the border with neighboring Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan and Nakhchitan and established very good relations and interactions with these European countries. AraS Free Zone is home to more than 200 active industrial and productive units that play a leading role in stimulating the country’s free zones economy. Suitable opportunities have been paved to produce agricultural and horticultural products in the region, and most of their products are currently exported to the Russian Federation. In addition, AraS Free Zone has also invested significantly in the production of clear energy such as solar energy.

A look at the main role of AFZ in stimulating Iran's economy

Thanks to its distinguished geographical location, AraS Free Zone has created a good interaction and good cooperation with these countries in the fields of trade and economics and gained prominent achievements in the areas of logistical services, productive activities and joint investment. This region was expanded on December 4, 2008 to 51,000 hectares based on the new Decree of the Council of Ministers, including some parts of the cities of Golfa and Calibar. This accredited area in the attached part of the main area increased from 9,700 hectares to 20500 hectares, and in three separate parts that make up 51000 hectares completely from the entire free ARAS area, including part of the city of Kaleybar with an area With an area of ​​6100 hectares, as well Iranian-Armenia) with an area of ​​240 hectares.

To learn more about the details, we contacted the Vice President of the ARAS Free Economic Development and Investment Region, which comes as follows.

First of all, he said that AraS Free Zone is home to more than 200 industrial and productive units. Suitable opportunities have been paved to produce agricultural and horticultural products, and most of their products are currently exported to the Russian Federation. In addition, AraS Free Zone has also invested in producing clear energy such as solar energy.

A look at the main role of AFZ in stimulating Iran's economy

The deputy referred to the town of Golfa and stated that it is located in the northwest of the Azarbayjan district of 45 degrees 17 ′ to 46 degrees 31 ′ from the eastern length line and 38 ° 39 ′ to 39 ° 2 ′ the northern borders of the province. From the north, the matter ended with the Aras River, the Republics of Nakhshivan, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. This town covers an area of ​​1670.31 square kilometers, and its neighbors are like the town of Al -Sharq, and Marand and Awar to the south. On average, the width of the town of Golfa is 17 km and its length is 100 km. Golfa is the capital of the town and is located 135 km northwest of Tabriz and 65 km north of Marand. Golfa is among the smallest cities of the province that covers 1670.31 square kilometers and is only 3.4 of the total province, and it is ranked twelfth in this regard.

In terms of political divisions, the town of Golfa consists of two regions, namely the Central Province and Rudda, and five rural areas: West Dizar, Najdh Mehr, Arrasi, Daran, and Shaja. According to 2004 statistics, there are 73,219 villages in the town of Golfa.

According to Resolution 530820 T/20708 on June 28, 2005, approved by the Iranian Council of Ministers, ARAS Free Zone covered about 9,700 hectares of land. However, according to another decision adopted on December 4, 2008, by the respected cabinet, the borders of this region were expanded to cover about 51,000 hectares, including parts of two provinces, Jolfa and Khoda Afarin.

Investment competitive advantages

Ø Human Resources (expert and cheap working power)

Ø Cheap energy

Ø Investment security

Cheap storage

Ø Earth

Ø Exemption from customs duties and commercial interests to import raw materials and machinery

Ø Exemption from customs duties and commercial interests to import the goods produced in the region to other parts of Iran based on the added law.

Customs advantages for investment

Ø Reducing commercial interest up to 15 % of the CIF value for goods that are imported to the mainland through free industrial areas

Ø Increase the amount of imported goods to the free areas up to 3,000,000 dollars

Ø The minimum time needed to evaluate formal procedures

Ø The possibility of importing goods through foreign and domestic crossing, Tir Carnet, etc.

Ø The possibility of transporting goods by train and connecting them to external lines.

Ø Accepting the guarantee to empty goods from the area.

Ø Separate the bills for the discharge depot (absolute discharge, transit, export, etc.

Ø Entering an agreement with the owners of the basic commodities to import and export the commodities of the production unit within the region.

A look at the main role of AFZ in stimulating Iran's economy

Ø Emptying fixed goods on the truck during the minimum possible time.

Ø Issuing a draft law on a warehouse negotiable on the request of goods.

Ø Stopping services for goods available in free zone customs are two times higher than expected for mainland habits. Time to stop for productive goods is countless.

Legal benefits for investment

Ø Take advantage of the benefits contained in the value -added law.

Ø Tax exemption for 20 years of various economic activities since the date of operation.

Ø exemption from customs duties and commercial interests to import raw materials and machinery.

Ø Exporting the goods produced abroad with the minimum procedures.

Ø Freedom to import any commodities except for the lack of consistency of Islamic laws.

Ø Ensuring the capital of foreign investors against nationalization and recipe.

Ø Full free hands for foreign investors for any economic activities.

Ø The company is registered by free trade trade and the organized industrial organization.

Ø The possibility of 100 % foreign investment without Iranian partnership

Ø The visa -free entrance.

Ø The ability to use foreign experts.

Ø Issuing an employment license for foreigners by free trade trade and the organized industrial organization.

Infrastructure in the free ARAS area

Railways network

The railway in Golpa Tabriz is the only first and Iranian electrical railway that was built 100 years ago and that links the Free Arras region with Central Asia, the Caucasus, Russia, the Black Sea, Roman Rick, Europe from the north, the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman from the south, and the countries of the Association of Independent Countries from the East. Jolfa-Tabriz Road connects the city’s entrance and exit through Jolfa-Nordooz and Khoda Afrin with the independent Nakhichevan Republic, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Aras Airport is located under the construction in the Free Aras area, 120 km from Tabriz Airport and 35 km from Nakhshivan Airport.


Energy sources, including oil and gas, are available enough in the region at the present time, and the construction of the power plant is implemented 500 megawatts by the private sector. The power plant will be the main energy resource for the region in the future.


Communications and facilities infrastructure has been fully communicated in the region. The necessary branches were provided in line with the current needs and are ready to be presented to applicants to benefit in planning to build the ICD data center in the region, and support the private sector investors in the SAP and PAP regions, PAP, and PSTN given that the legal restrictions of the main righteousness are not practiced here, the creation and expansion of Information and Communications Technology in the region due to the relative feature of the ARAS free zone to reach National Telecommunications Infrastructure and its location on the East and West International Road International Fiber Fiber from China to Europe and plans to transform the region into a experimental case study of national projects for information and communications technology in line with the achievement of an electronic region.

A look at the main role of AFZ in stimulating Iran's economy

Translation and assembly SM Ahmadi Al -Wasim

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