Iran is proficient in building nuclear power plants: AEOI

Mohamed Islami, head of the Atomic Energy Organization in Dax in the Darkon area of ​​the Darkon area of ​​the Darkovon area of ​​the Darkon area of ​​the Darkovon area of ​​the Darkon area of ​​the Darkhovon area of ​​the Darkon area in the Darkovon area of ​​the Darkon area of ​​Darkhovon in the Darkon area, Shadjan Province in the province of South West Khuzestan.

“In order to achieve our goals, we do not care about the penalties and pressure of the enemies,” he said, adding, “We will continue the path that we have attracted to ourselves to reach our goals.”

In a sign that Iran has become a “major player” in knowing the construction of nuclear power plants in the world, Islami said, “The enemies cannot find out to see this great achievement.”

Referring to the importance of this knowledge in various fields, including medicine and agriculture, the Islamic reported that the enemies cannot prevent the Islamic Republic from achieving their goals by assassinating its scientists or imposing sanctions and exercising economic pressure on the country.

In reference to the construction of a 300 -megawatled power plant, AEOI president said the process was “progressing.”

Noting that Iran is still following its peaceful nuclear activities despite the pressure practicing, Al -Islami said, “Twelve years ago, the United States tried to stop the construction of the Darkhoven nuclear plant, where we are currently, but it failed.”

“With the help of our youth and scientists, its construction continued. He added that the construction of the power plant is 300 megawatts Karon is one of the manifestations of the country’s progress.”

He pointed out that the agency decided to resume the project, amid its plans to expand the energy stations in the country.

According to reports, the power plant is of the type of compressed water reactor (PWR) and with the ability to produce 300 megawatts of electricity on the ground of approximately 50 hectares in the vicinity of the Karon River.

Rhm/Press TV

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